Older MSM had been almost certainly going to be HIV good than more youthful MSM. HIV prevalence among MSM aged 16–19 years stayed unchanged between 2007 and 2014 and had been less than that reported for anyone aged 20–24 years and people 25 years and above.

Older MSM had been almost certainly going to be HIV good than more youthful MSM. HIV prevalence among MSM aged 16–19 years stayed unchanged between 2007 and 2014 and had been less than that reported for anyone aged 20–24 years and people 25 years and above.

Merrigan et al. (2010) reported results that are similar MSM in three states in Nigeria 52. Another study that is recent Nigeria among MSM whom involved with transactional sex, indicated that MSM aged 25 years and above had been four times very likely to be HIV good compared to those aged 15–19 years 53. Nonetheless, our findings are as opposed to those reported by Beyrer et al. (2012) and (2016) which indicated that more youthful MSM had greater burden of HIV 1, 54. A plausible description for the choosing is the fact that the older MSM have experienced extended experience of HIV through greater amount of intimate lovers, participating in transactional intercourse and greater contact with unprotected rectal intercourse. Moreover, MSM sampled in 2010 and 2014 had been very likely to be HIV good when compared with those in 2007 and also this further supports our argument that the prolonged contact with higher danger behaviours will be the reason for higher HIV prevalence among older MSM. Young MSM aged 16–19 years will likely continue to have parental support and therefore, there’s less socioeconomic force to take part in risky intimate techniques such as for example transactional intercourse. In addition, their networks that are sexual around their peers in the place of intergenerational intimate lovers and this limits their contact with older HIV contaminated MSM.

There clearly was an increase that is significant the percentage of MSM whom reported sex with feminine lovers between 2007 and 2014. This takes its bridge that is potential MSM in addition to basic populace and therefore merits discussion due to the fact gains in reduced amount of HIV prevalence among the list of basic population could be eroded by bisexual sexual intercourse among MSM. The rise in bisexuality may mirror the increasing hostility, stigma and criminalization of MSM in Nigeria. Schwartz et al. (2015) evaluated the instant ramifications of the same-sex wedding prohibition work in Nigeria and reported a statistically significant rise in percentage of MSM who had feminine lovers following the law had been passed away in comparison with the pre-law period 13. This coping apparatus towards the stigma that is high criminalization of MSM might also adversely affect their usage of key populace friendly clinics because they continue steadily to hide their identification even to medical care employees.

This research has many limits. The lack of a study that is prospective while the usage of cross-sectional studies from unmatched cohort limits the energy of our research and so calls for care within the interpretation associated with information. There might be possible dependence between information from various rounds of IBBSS which might overestimate HIV prevalence if an important wide range of positives from past rounds had been recruited into subsequent rounds or an underestimation of HIV prevalence is an important range HIV negative MSM were targeted and recruited in subsequent rounds. Future studies should include an adjustable to greatly help determine those who work in past rounds and their HIV status at that round to permit a far more estimation that is robust of among MSM. Information on HIV prevention programs and therapy protection within the research states had not been available and so could never be accounted for inside our research to measure the impacts independently among these programs within the research result. In addition, information on therapy protection may help give an explanation for noticed enhance if therapy protection ended up being examined become low. Another limitation is of social desirability bias on intimate risk behaviours as information were self-reported, but the greater boost in consistent condom usage during transactional intercourse when compared with non-transactional is related to that seen among female intercourse employees 54 and shows that risks behaviors captured during these scholarly studies might have been under-reported provided the enhance of STIs and HIV observed. Moreover, studies on biological validation of unsafe sex among feminine intercourse employees have indicated over-reporting that is significant of sex 55 and future studies should think about biological validation of protected intercourse among MSM to raised characterize risk behaviours Drug usage especially use of methamphetamine 1 happens to be connected with HIV among MSM, but, there was clearly no information on medication usage among MSM in every three rounds regarding the study. Further research is needed to figure out the relationship of medication usage and HIV among MSM in Nigeria. Lastly, not absolutely all customers decided on an HIV make sure the percentage of refusal ranged from 10 to 16per cent. Although the status of the whom rejected an HIV test may not be thought, individuals whom declined to choose for an HIV test could have done this because of past knowledge of HIV infection and thus prevalence of HIV might have been mail order bride russian underestimated within the present study and afterwards biases the noticed trend in HIV prevalence.


In summary, this the study that is first assess the trend of HIV prevalence among MSM in Nigeria and we also report a wide range of key observations. Such as other climes, HIV prevalence among MSM in Nigeria is on an alarming development with a relative increase of 10% point each year over 7 years. No state is spared, and avoidance packages should be holistic and include the employment of methods because of the evidence that is strongest of greatest effectiveness in preventing HIV transmission; very very very early remedy for partners, 2, 56 condoms 32, 57 and oral preexposure prophylaxis 58. Finally, the HIV epidemic among MSM in Nigeria is serious and obviously, is amongst the defining challenges ahead, and possibly the essential critical space in the nationwide HIV avoidance system to manage the HIV epidemic in Nigeria.

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